Well to say I have been distracted is an understatement! Kitchen and laundry renovations, converting an unused void into a second dunny and then moving all the furniture to allow a new floor to be installed in the house and how time slips by. And then a false start, and it was back to the house to do bathroom renovations...
So, this will be the first of a few rapid-fire posts to get back to speed.
Well with the ceiling up and 'flushed', the hermetically sealing completed and the mains power cables run in, it was time to seal the concrete floor. I used a Dulux product 'Avista' and applied four good coats to the super smooth concrete slab. I did not wash the slab or prep it in any special way, just dust mopped it and then rolled the Avista semi-gloss down.
The tin has an exploding lung picture on the can, and it was rather overpowering with the toxic fumes, so it took several mornings to get the entire 100 square metres sealed.
I am very happy with the finish, concrete stains and all. It was by far, thousands of dollars, cheaper than even the cheapest 'budget' concrete polishing.
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